“Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day. It's about the choice to show up and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let our true selves be seen.” – Brené Brown

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Hi, I'm Lisa, and I decided to find out what life has to offer when your don’t want to follow the 'traditional' path of marriage, kids and 9-5 jobs.

Back in 2017, I quit my well-paying job in the city. Since then, I’ve been travelling around New Zealand while working part-time as a marketing consultant and writer and using the extra time to explore our beautiful country, myself and all that life has to offer.

It’s been an absolutely amazing journey that has taught me so much about happiness, purpose, meaning, self-love and how incredible it feels when you give yourself permission to just be you.

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Life Done Differently – One Woman’s Journey on the Road Less Travelled

What do you do when everyone around you is embracing parenthood or focused on their careers, and you're not sure either path is right for you?

I decided to find out.

At 33, I had everything I ever dreamed of; A successful career in marketing, amazing friends, and the great outdoors of New Zealand as my playground. I was happy. Until one day, doubts started creeping in, and I found myself at a crossroads.

Unsure about whether I want to embrace a career-focused life or follow in my friends' footsteps and start a family, I began to wonder what else there is.

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The best way to describe my blog is as a combination of travel and self-discovery. I write about what it’s like to find a different path in life, being a nomad, being single and childfree by choice and all the big philosophical questions that seem to pop into my head at random times.


Resources, itineraries & support for campervan travel in New Zealand

After almost 7 years of living and travelling in campers and writing books and articles about it, there is not much I don’t know about campervanning in New Zealand. I want to use that knowledge to help others have the camper trip of their dreams. That is why I founded Camper Trips NZ, a business that provides the resources, advice, and support you need for a fun, safe and stress-free campervan holiday in New Zealand.

The Ultimate Guide to Campervan Travel in NZ

Access the essential information you need for a fun, safe and stress-free campervan trip in New Zealand.

Hyper-Personalised Itineraries

Let us design the itinerary for your dream campervan trip, based on your interests, goals and preferences.

Hands-on Support from an Expert

Get a designated campervan travel expert to help you plan your trip and/or support you during your travels.

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Values Exercise


Swimming against the stream is not always easy.

So how do I make sure I stay true to myself and resist the temptation to fit in?

The answer is simple: I invested time into learning about my personal values and make sure I am reminded of them regularly. That is the number one thing that keeps me on track to living an authentic life.

To help you do the same, I've created a free personal values exercise.

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I love sharing my own story on my blog, but I wanted to go a step further. On my journey, I’ve met and heard from many other people who are doing life differently, and so many of them have amazing stories. I would occasionally write about people I meet, but often found that the written stories didn’t do the people justice. I wanted a better way to share these stories with other. So I decided to start a podcast.

Life Done Differently - The Podcast

Is all about people who are living alternative lifestyles. In each episode, I interview people who escaped the rat-race and are living alternative lifestyles.