A Campervan Named Josie
If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram, you might already know that I’ve just bought a super cool campervan. I’m so excited about this!! It’s something I’ve been wanting to do for years but each year I’ve managed to talk myself out of it (it’s too expensive. Where will I park it? Is it safe on my own? What if something breaks? …). But I’ve decided I’m done with the excuses and just did it :). At the end of the day, you only live once and I’d rather regret the things I did than the things I didn’t do.
Josie is a 1999 Ford Transit Campervan.
A beautiful spot for a coffee right at the edge of Lake Taupo
So here we are. It’s Sunday morning and I’m parked at a beautiful spot right at the edge of Lake Taupo writing my first blog post from (and about) my new van. I’ve named her Josie. Why Josie? Not sure, I was just driving along on the first day and thought ‘she feels like a Josie’ :)
Josie is a 1999 Ford Transit converted to a full campervan. She has a seating/sleeping area, a little kitchen and even a little bathroom – everything you need! Watch my video below for a little tour.
Josie has spent the last 10 years with two very, very lovely ladies down in Christchurch. They clearly looked after her really well and were sad to see her go but I promised I would take good care of her.
I flew down to Christchurch on Thursday morning to pick her up. After a quick induction from the former owners and a stop at the supermarket we got on the road. Since State Highway 1 along the cost is still closed due to the earth quake damage, we had to take the longer inland route which is less beautiful and adds a couple of hours to the journey but the roads where mostly empty and I really enjoyed the drive.
After a night in Murchison, a VERY wild ferry ride over the Cook Straight (4-6m waves side on!!) and a night in Wellington, I made it to Lake Taupo yesterday where I found a beautiful spot for the night.
I’m absolutely loving the vanlife!!! The freedom and simplicity is amazing. It’s definitely been a winter roadtrip with lots of clouds, rain and temperatures around 6 degrees at night but that hasn’t bothered me much. There is something incredibly calming and relaxing about it. Even though the first two days, especially, have been quite full on because I had to hurry to make the ferry and then the ferry ride over was everything but relaxing, I feel like I had a really good little holiday. Most places are really quiet and there is something incredibly peaceful about sitting in your van with a cup of tea with the sound of the rain on the roof!
From Lake Taupo it’s about four hours drive back to Auckland but I’m not in a rush. I will take my time and enjoy the trip.
If I ever had any doubt that buying a campervan is a great idea, it’s definitely gone now. I can’t wait to go on more trips and absolutely love the idea that I can just get in on a Friday night and go wherever I want to for the weekend.