What I'm reading: The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck
This is the first post is my new series 'What I'm Reading' where I share key insights and interesting facts from books I'm reading. More about What I'm Reading here.
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck was recommended to me by a really good friend. She spoke about it so passionately that it jumped right to the top of my reading list – and I’m glad it did.
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The Power of Showing Weakness
The other day I read a friend’s Facebook post that really touched me. Firstly, because it was beautiful – in a dark but also hopeful kind of way. And secondly, because it reminded me of an incredible valuable lesson I’ve learn in recent years
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What do skills and chicken have in common?
What do skills and chicken have in common? The third letter in both words is an i!
Just kidding :) They might have something else in common. Let me explain.
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Happiness is an inside job – there is scientific proof!
What makes us happy?
I came across this fascinating TED Talk by Dan Gilbert the other day. Dan takes a very scientific look at what makes people happy and his findings are fascinating. Apparently, people who become paraplegic are just as likely to live happy lives as those who win the lottery...
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With my eyes and heart wide open
I can see some people read this blog and say “right, she’s just another bitter 30-something that didn’t get a guy and is now trying to convince herself it was a choice”.
Truth is, you might not be completely wrong...
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