Yesterday, I finished my 30-Day Digital Declutter. thought I’d just share some more or less random thoughts I wrote down during the last 30 days.
Read MoreHere’s how I’m preparing for a 30-day break from optional tech, inspired by Cal Newport’s Digital Minimalism.
Read MoreYou would think that after over seven years, I’d have living with intent figured out. Well, I don’t. Turns out that living with intent is a fickle art that requires constant work – especially day-to-day.
Read MoreAlmost a year ago now, I settled in Christchurch with the intention of making friends and building community. A year later, I’ve been reflecting on how far I’ve come and what I’ve learned along the way.
Read MoreAs my self-imposed social media timeout is coming to an end, I’ve been reflecting on the past four weeks. I thought I’d share a little bit about what the experience has been like.
Read MoreLately, I’ve been struggling more and more with social media and the impact it has on my life. I’ve started to wonder what life would be like without social media. So I’ve decided to find out.
Read MoreRecently, I’ve worked through a process and series of exercises to ensure I continue to live with intent. I thought I’d share my process with you in case anyone else feels like a big check-in.
Read MoreAs I celebrate my sixth anniversary as a nomad, I reflect on how my nomadic life and the motivation to live this way has changed over the years.
Read MoreAfter 15 weeks in Nelson – the longest I’ve stayed in one place in almost 6 years – I’m getting ready to move on. Time for some reflections.
Read MoreI’ve been thinking a lot about sacrifice lately. Don’t worry, I’m not talking about the type that involves lambs or virgins.
Read MoreFor the last few months, I've been feeling uninspired, a bit lost and stressed. Now, it's an entirely different story. Life is great again! What changed? Everything!
Read MoreThis is something I wrote in my journal today. It’s a bit random, a bit weird and a bit messy – and a perfect reflection of where my head is at these days.
Read MoreIt’s been almost six months since I sold my van, said goodbye to vanlife and returned to a more normal life in Auckland. I have to admit that the transition hasn’t been easy.
Read MoreI honestly can’t believe it’s time to write this post, but my two months living in a tiny house are already over. So, was I sad to leave the tiny or happy to move on?
Read MorePeople have been asking me if I will keep this blog going, now that I’m no longer living in a van. Here’s the answer.
Read MoreAfter weeks of back and forth and lots of uncertainty around what I want to do next, I’m happy to report that I have a new plan.
Read MoreLately, I’ve been having a hard time figuring out what I really want. Everything seemed right and wrong at the same time. Until I figured out what I’m really looking for right now…
Read MoreI my last blog, I wrote about maybe wanting to take a break from vanlife – which begs the question of “What next?”Due to lots of questions and interest, I thought I’d share the options I’m considering.
Read MoreVanlife has been a bit of a roller-coaster lately. One moment I love vanlife and the next I’m over it. I’ve been struggling to understand, let alone put into words, what I’m feeling – until now.
Read MoreThe title might sound negative, but don’t worry, this is not one of those ‘life is so hard’ posts. On the contrary, it’s actually quite a positive one.
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