EP27 – 3,000km on Foot to Happiness. Walking Te Araroa – Laura Waters



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About this episode

For this episode, I talk to Laura Waters about her journey walking the length of New Zealand on the Te Araroa trail and how this experience has changed her life in a profound and lasting way. 

“I had never been happier than I was with just one bag of belongings, one outfit, no makeup, no media and no advertising.” – Laura Waters

Laura shares how she was feeling stuck in a corporate career and toxic relationship in Melbourne and how the decision to walk Te Araroa changed her perspective on life, helped her learn more about herself and the kind of life she truly wants and gave her a whole new level of confidence to tackle her goals and make her dreams happen. 

“I had to face a lot of challenges on the trail and in doing that I cultivated a lot more resilience, I grew more confident of my decision making, and I realised I’m capable of much more than I had previously imagined” – Laura Waters 

We also talk about how Laura’s life has changed since and how she managed to make the dream of writing a book about her experience come true and then built a successful career as a travel writer.  

Laura shares lots of incredibly valuable insights and lessons that will be inspiring for anyone who is thinking about making a change in life or just loves hearing stories of people who are living their best life. 

And you don’t need to be a hiking enthusiast to enjoy this episode. 

If you want to hear more about Laura’s time on the Te Araroa Trail, I highly recommend checking out her book Bewildered. And of course, you can follow Laura on Facebook or Instagram.